Kappa Zeromatic™®


The Kappa Zeromatic®
is a new and
innovative system
for the automatization
of ventilation systems.

It allows the automatization of individual ventilation systems as well as entire, complex systems.

A library of standardized and freely parametrizable function blocks enables this intelligent structure. Depending on the requirements, the functions are individually selected and linked to each other.

The Kappa Zeromatic® automates and links air technology holistically with production. This means that the user always has an overview, regardless of the system of his air technology.

In the full expansion stage, the innovative concept links exhaust air technology, ventilation technology, process air technology, heat recovery, energy efficiency, heating and air conditioning, safety and comfort with the entire production infrastructure.

Kappa Zeromatic


  • One automatization solution
    for all air technological systems and plants
  • Integrated library of standardized and
    parameterizable function blocks
    (exhaust and process air, ventilation,
    air conditioning, energy recovery, energy
    efficiency, safety and comfort, connected cloud)
  • Comprehensive linkage of all function blocks
    to production plants, building services,
    process control systems and to external services
  • Ergonomic user interface and intuitive
    user guidance with self-explanatory symbols
  • Comprehensive documentation for operation,
    function sequence, parameterization
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